Q: What is FreebieShark.com?
A: FreebieShark.com, was created to help others get freebies online, all in one easy-to-use website. We post plenty of cool freebies throughout the day. We update everyday, to ensure you won’t miss a single freebie!
Q: Why Free? There has to be a catch!
A: Companies and websites give out freebies for a couple of reasons. Mainly, they want you to try their product, in expectation that you will enjoy the product, and purchase it in the future. Also, some companies give away freebies for promotional and commercial reasons. FreebieShark.com simply locates these freebies, and posts them here for your convenience.
Q: Why haven’t my freebies arrived yet?
A: Most offers say they will arrive with in 4-10 weeks. We don’t send out the freebies. We only post the link to the website giving away the freebies. We make sure to post only legit freebie offers, so they will arrive!