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MTN DEW Cooler Quest Promotion – June 20th

Looking for a low-key adventure this summer? MTN DEW is hosting its first-ever Cooler Quest on June 20th to celebrate the start of summer and the release of three new limited-time flavors: STAR SPANGLED SPLASH, FREEDOM FUSION, and LIBERTY CHILL.

Here’s the deal: 50 coolers are hidden across the country in 10 locations, each filled with the new MTN DEW flavors and a $250 gift card. On June 20th, they’ll release the GPS coordinates for these spots. Each location has 5 coolers waiting to be found!

Check Mountain Dew social channels at 12 PM ET on June 20th for the drop locations. The first 5 people to find the staff members wearing Mountain Dew shirts at each location will win an Engel MTN DEW Cooler Prize pack. How fun!

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