Lemonade stands are a great way for kids to learn about business, finances, manners, cooperation, creativity and so much more. There are a lot of great reasons to let the kids set up their lemonade stand in the front yard – but most of all, it’s FUN!
Here are some tips for making and running a lemonade stand:
Drinks & Treats: Lemonade may be the most popular route, but you may consider amping it up a bit. Offer cookies, brownies, bags of popcorn, bottles of water, Kool-Aid, or even iced coffee for the adult passers-by. Buying lemonade mix might cheaper than making your own. Offering these treats with cheap paper plates and cups will save you money, and you can use any leftovers for summer picnics, days at the lake, and BBQs at home!
The $$$ Question: How much should you charge? If you aren’t worried about getting your money back, discuss with your child about the cost of the items he/she is selling. Together, come up with a reasonable amount for each item. “Tip” jars are a fun way for kids to really use their selling skills. A price sheet will remind your children, and make it easy for customers. If you’re wanting to make a little profit, factor in the cost of your products, how many you have and a reasonable estimate of what you may sell.
The Stand: Any small table will do for a simple lemonade stand. It all depends on how much space you think you’ll need, and how big you want it to be. A decent sized card table (which can be used for plenty of other things later) can be purchased for around $50. Allow the kids to use their imagination, while keeping the stand functional. You can also purchase ready-made stands!
Let’s Sell!: Post about your child’s stand in local and neighborhood facebook groups to advertise. Set signs up (similar to garage sales) around town. If you have multiple kids, allow them to switch rolls – one is the sales pitcher yelling “Lemonade!” or “Come get a cool drink! Only 50¢!” to bring in customers. After each purchase, they can trade positions and each have their chance in different rolls.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Check with your local/state laws, as some states prohibit any sales of beverage of food without a permit (including lemonade stands)! As crazy as this seems, you don’t want to get popped with a ticket or fine! Read this article to find out more.
What are your tips for making and running lemonade stands? Share in the comments!