UPDATE: Use UPC Code 012000001291 or 028400589864 to play now without mail-in!
Play the Lay’s “Let’s Summer” Instant Win Game for a chance at winning 1 of 105,476 FREE various prizes! Prizes include $1,000 Carnival vouchers, trips, airplane tickets, an more. You can obtain an entry code with purchase of specially marked packages…OR you can mail-in to get a free entry through June 25th. Visit their official rules for more information.
To obtain a Promo Code without making a purchase from May 1, 2023 through June 25, 2023, an entrant may legibly hand write their full name (no initials), complete street address (no P.O. Box), date of birth, and valid e-mail address on a 3½ ” x 5″ card and mail it with sufficient postage to:
Let’s Summer Instant Win Game
P.O. Box 490
Southfield, MI 48037
Mail-in requests must be postmarked by June 25, 2023 and received by July 2, 2023. Administrator will send one (1) Promo Code per Mail-In Request by e-mail to the e-mail address provided on the request. There is a limit of one (1) Mail-in Request per outer-mailing envelope per day during the Promotion Period. Mail-in requests must be original and hand-written. No mechanical reproductions are allowed.
NOTE: Starting June 25th, you can use free entry code: 7e73093a545 to enter for free without mailing in.
➡ Plus, stop by our sweepstakes section for a BIG list of Instant Win Games & Sweepstakes!