You could instantly win 1 of 1,651 Nintendo Switch Prize related prizes ($15-$1,000 value) from this new Lunchables Nintendo Switch Instant Win Game! They’ll be offering free online codes from December 17th-31st, but in the mean time, you can get free game codes via mail-in. Here’s how:
Without Purchase Mail-in Entry: hand print, on a 3″ x 5″ piece of paper, your parent or legal guardian’s information (if you are under the age of thirteen (13)) or your information for the following: name, email address, and date-of-birth and mail it in an envelope to:
“Lunchables Game Your Way,” c/o Merkle Inc.,
P.O. Box 5046, Department 848929
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5046
Visit their official rules for more information. I’ll be sure to update you all when the online free code request becomes available. Good luck! (Thanks, Suzanne!)