UPDATE: Use code SWINGING60S for a free play!
Enter the White Castle Time Machine Instant Win Game for a chance at winning 1 of 16,875 prizes! Prizes include gift cards, grills, free food, and more. You can obtain entries with purchase…OR you can mail-in to get a free entry through June 11th. Visit their official rules for more information. Free online code will be available starting June 26th as well! (Thanks, Cheryl!)
Without Purchase Mail-in Entry: legibly hand your full name (no initials), complete street address (no P.O. Box), age, and valid e-mail address on a 3½” x 5” properly stamped postcard and mail it to
The White Castle Time Machine 100th Birthday Celebration Promotion
Code Request
P.O. Box 251328
West Bloomfield, MI 48325
➡ Plus, stop by our sweepstakes section for a BIG list of Instant Win Games & Sweepstakes!