This Oral-B GENIUS X LIMITED Toothbrush is incredible and is on sale for Amazon Prime members! As one of the Prime Day deals, you can grab this highly rated Oral-B GENIUS X LIMITED Toothbrush for just $99.99 ($100 off the regular price)! GENIUS X LIMITED helps you brush for the right amount of time, with the right amount of pressure, in the right areas of your mouth – regardless of your individual brushing style. The AI technology tracks where people are actually brushing in their mouth and recognizes brushing patterns to offer personalized feedback on the areas that require additional attention instantly, so you can brush in the best way possible and improve your oral-health.
I personally own one and I LOVE it. Definitely a great deal to snatch up if you’re in the market for one!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.
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