Calling all Starbucks Rewards members! Sign into your account to play this new Starbucks Summer Game Boardwalk Instant Win Game! Over three million members will win free bonus stars (10 to 1,000 stars) or free menu items. Also, a whopping 163 will also win FREE Starbucks for a 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years!
You can enter without making a purchase by clicking the “To enter without making a purchase, click here” found at the very bottom (OR try clicking here). They’ll e-mail you your entry link. The before 2PM option will get you one play and the after 2PM option will give you two plays. Make sure to play three times daily through September 10th. Good Luck! (Thanks, Suzanne & Nicole!)
➡ Plus, stop by our sweepstakes section for a BIG list of Instant Win Games & Sweepstakes!