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Free E-Books Roundup – 8/1

Here’s a roundup of 15 e-Books you can download for FREE right now from Amazon. Kindle books can be read on iPad, iPhone, and Android devices with free Kindle reading apps, as well as Kindle devices. Note that prices can go up at anytime, so make sure to check before downloading. Check them out:Kindle

  1. Return of the Cowgirl
  2. Treasure of the Heart
  3. Still Life With Murder
  4. A Quest of Heroes
  5. Satisfying Eats: Grain-Free, Sugar-Free & Hunger-Free Cookbook
  6. The Truth in My Lies
  7. Keto Diet Plan
  8. How to be a Mermaid
  9. 250 Weight Loss Secrets
  10. Perfectly Equipped
  11. Memoirs of a Time Traveler
  12. Love’s Prayer
  13. Sendero
  14. Born to be My Baby
  15. Graveyard Shift

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