Here’s a roundup of 15 e-Books you can download for FREE right now from Amazon. Kindle books can be read on iPad, iPhone, and Android devices with free Kindle reading apps, as well as Kindle devices. Note that prices can go up at anytime, so make sure to check before downloading. Check them out:
- I’ll Cross the River
- Sourdough Creek
- The Medium
- Green Thumb Gardening
- Breaking Up with Barrett
- A Christmas Homecoming
- Everyday Instant Pot: 115 Delicious, Family Friendly Pressure Cooker Recipes
- Parenting: The Most Confident Kid In The World
- False Start
- Nova Fannum
- The Abducted: The Beginning
- Essential Oils: Detailed Essential Oils
- Change Your Mind, Change Your Body
- Batman #1: Batman Day Special Edition
- Books for Kids: Wiggly the Worm