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SavingStar: Free Bag of PopCorners Offer (Select Stores)

PopcornersNow through July 31st, you can head over to SavingStar to load an offer to your account valid for a Free Bag of PopCorners! You pay the full amount at checkout, but you’ll get reimbursed via your SavingStar account. Note that this is only available at Albertsons, Albertsons Market, Albertsons Northwest, Giant Eagle, Harris Teeter Food Markets, Jewel – Osco, Publix, Ralphs and Schnucks.

Note sure what SavingStar is? SavingStar allows you to get 100% cash back to your SavingStar account with these freebies. Some stores allow you to link your store’s loyalty card and the cash will be deposited to your account within 14 days and for other stores you’ll need to submit a picture of your receipt to get your cash back. You can cash out once your account hits $5.00.

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