SHARK BITES – Benefits of Rainchecks
Definition: a coupon issued to a customer by a store, guaranteeing that a sale item that is out of stock may be purchased by that customer at a later date at the same reduced price.
At some point and time, we all end up asking for a rain check from one of our favorite stores, if not many. We’re already disappointed that the items(s) we sought to purchase aren’t in stock. So, why leave without at least attempting to find out if the store you are visiting offers any rain checks for the merchandise you were seeking.
In the past, I have spoken on making sure you are aware of store policies. Information on rain checks are just as important as any other factor. So, please make sure to brush up on your store policies/rules.
Some stores have limited shelf space, so if you are not an “early bird’, so to speak, you most likely won’t find what you were looking for in the first place. You’ll either be left to make the choice to ask if there are any products in stock in your stores back room, or ask when their next available truck is set to return with new merchandise. A manager would be a little bit more knowledgeable than a store clerk regarding truck deliveries and if that particular item is scheduled to be on it. However, it doesn’t hurt to ask any employee to find an answer. If you don’t mind waiting (and taking a chance all over again) for the stores truck to arrive with merchandise… by all means return when they are scheduled to return. Unfortunately, many stores do their restocking overnight—which can be a huge inconvenience to a customer. If you can wait to purchase the product “whenever”, then I suggest asking for a raincheck. That way, when you are specifically heading back to that store for other items, or are in the area and are just ‘poking your head in’, you can then see if that raincheck is in stock.
Although the original sale has passed and you were left empty handed… an added benefit of getting a raincheck and using it later is that you can then pair it with a coupon that you originally may not have had in the first place. So, this will make for an added bonus in getting a raincheck for a sale price and an addition deduction in price. 😉
A lot of stores handle rainchecks differently. Especially with timeframes (if any), expired coupons that you had to use for the initial sale, etc. Below is a list of examples of Raincheck FAQ’s from a few MAJOR stores with links to their direct policies or FAQ’s.
Q: Do you offer rain checks?
A: does not offer rainchecks for products sold online. Best Buy stores may offer rainchecks when advertised products are out of stock.
For complete FAQ’s on product availability go here.
Q: Do CVS/pharmacy rainchecks expire?
A: Rainchecks do not expire.
Q: What if I have a CVS/pharmacy coupon for the raincheck item?
A: The raincheck will extend the CVS/pharmacy coupon expiration date. Both the CVS/pharmacy coupon and raincheck must be presented at time of purchase. The raincheck will be attached to the CVS/pharmacy coupon by store personnel.
Q: What if I have a third party manufacturer’s coupon for the raincheck item?
A: CVS/pharmacy cannot accept a third party manufacturer coupon after it has expired.
Q: Are rainchecks offered on all sale items?
A: Rainchecks are only offered for regularly carried merchandise if a substitute item is not available.
For complete FAQ’s go here.
Q: What is a rain check?
A: A rain check may be available if a sale item is not available. The rain check entitles you to today’s sale price for the next 45 days, and can be used at any Target store.
Q: Does a rain check guarantee availability in the next 45 days?
A: Target can’t guarantee product availability or hold merchandise. You won’t receive notification when the product is available.
Q: Can Target substitute another product for a sale item that’s not available?
A: Substitutes are offered whenever possible. Please ask a team member if a substitute is available for today’s rain check item.
Q: Can I get a rain check for an item that’s out of stock on
A: Rain checks aren’t issued or accepted for out-of-stock merchandise on
Q: What items can’t be rain checked?
A: Price Cut, Temporary Price Cut and Everyday Low Price items that are excluded from the Weekly Ad and items that state “No Rain Checks” can’t be rain-checked.
For complete FAQ’s go here.
The Walgreens raincheck policy guidelines are as follows: They Do Not Expire; Are to be honored at the sale price shown on the Raincheck, even if the item is purchased after the sale period; Are to be honored at all Walgreens Drug Stores regardless of which location issued the Raincheck; Should be issued when an out-of-stock item situation occurs during a sale period and if a suitable or satisfactory substitute cannot be found.
WALMART: ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE POLICY – (found on back of sales advertisements)
We intend to have every advertised item in stock. However, we may not offer some items in all locations, and quantity or availability may vary due to unexpected demand or other circumstances beyond our control.
If an advertised item is out-of-stock at your Walmart, upon your request, we will issue you a Rain Check so that you can purchase the item at the advertised price when it becomes available. In addition, we may offer to sell you a similar item at the advertised price or a comparable price reduction. “While Supplies Last” items, “Bonus” items, items identified as being available in limited quantities, and items that are not carried at your Walmart do not qualify for Rain Checks or offers of substitute items.
Sharky wants you to get the best deal possible whenever and wherever possible. So, when dealing with rainchecks, always remember to know all expiration dates on your coupons, because if your store doesn’t get the items in stock in time, they may not honor that expired manufacturer’s coupon with your raincheck. Limited items and clearance items don’t fall under rainchecks. Make sure you understand promotional guidelines, as rainchecks may not qualify towards special promotions. Whenever in doubt— ask for a store manager.
As always… feedback and information is always welcomed!
“Don’t sink with the fishes. Be the consumer in the know!”

What is “Shark Bites”? Shark Bites is a money-saving tips series here on FreebieShark that aims to help you and your family get the most out of your money. “Shark Bites” posts are both educational and straight to the point. Just another way FreebieShark is helping you save!