Thank you all for entering our 100,000 Fan Giveaway! The giveaway officially ended last night at 11:59 PM EST! Here is the list of winners. Winners, be sure to check your e-mails. You should have received an e-mail from Amazon with your gift code! Be on the lookout for even more exclusive giveaways. Congratulations, and thank you all for entering!
20 $10 Gift Card Winners:
- Melissa H. (mlhopper07@), Michele N. (gammachele82266@), Jacqueline K. (tigerlily_jk@), Tammy W. (wrentammy@), Rita T. (rkturvey@), Allison M. (all_is_on_3@), Abbey K. (Abbey.krava@), Judy C. (judycummingspellegrino@), Angelique D. (unbirthday_angel@), Carl S. Jr., (carlsxtramail@), Jessica H. (jhowland@), LuAnn H. (Devoted2@), Kendron E. (sa62ske@), Holly W. (Hollyhobbie6351@), Stacy D. (stacymadrox@), Amy H. (Heim.amy@), Chelsea L. (clupina1@), Danielle J. (nellandstir@), April W. (buffy0328_1999@), Rebecca L. (beccalam13@).
And the $100 Gift Card Winner Is:
- Angel L. (angelheaven_lee@)