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Free St. Ives Travel Sized Item at Target or Walmart

Most Target and Walmart locations carry Travel Sized St. Ives Products for under $1. I have located a $1 off any St. Ives Product Coupon! You need to “Like” their page on Facebook, then click on the “Promotions” tab. On their Facebook Page, it states that this coupon excludes travel sized items, but on the actual coupon, it does not state this, and you will still be able to use it towards a Free St. Ives Travel Sized Product! Simply print out the coupon, or click the “Help” button on the bottom right of the page to get this coupon mailed to you! You will be able to redeem this at Target or Walmart, since both stores have this priced for under $1.00.

Free St. Ives Travel Sized Item at Target or Walmart

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